

Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts
No. Year Species Citation Link
56 2024 Longfin Smelt L Bowen, S Waters, L Rankin, K Thorne, D Gille, S De La Cruz, I Woo, L Lewis, K Karpenko, C Dean, G Schumer. A comparison of eDNA sampling methods in an estuarine environment on presence of longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) and fish community composition. Environmental DNA . A comparison of eDNA sampling methods in an estuarine environment on presence of longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) and fish community composition
55 2024 Longfin Smelt Hung T, Md.M Rahman, LS Lewis, Y Yang, TA Stevenson, KL Menard, RE Connon, H Bell, and NA Fangue. Laboratory‐bred Longfin Smelt produced offspring in the first year in captivity. North American Journal of Aquaculture . Laboratory‐bred Longfin Smelt produced offspring in the first year in captivity
54 2024 Delta Smelt Dhayalan TS, FD Tran, TC Hung, TJ Senegal, V Mora, LS Lewis, SJ Teh, and BG Hammock. Liver Glycogen as a Sensitive Indicator of Food Limitation in Delta Smelt. Estuaries and Coasts . Liver Glycogen as a Sensitive Indicator of Food Limitation in Delta Smelt
53 2024 Longfin Smelt Yanagitsuru, Y R, F. Mauduit, AJ Lundquist, LS Lewis, JA Hobbs, T-C Hung, RE Connon, and NA Fangue. Effects of incubation temperature on the upper thermal tolerance of the imperiled longfin smelt ( Spirinchus thaleichthys ). Conservation Physiology . Effects of incubation temperature on the upper thermal tolerance of the imperiled longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys)
52 2023 Longfin Smelt Mauduit FA, Segarra, JR Sherman, ML Hladik, L Wong, TM Young, LS Lewis, TC Hung, NA Fangue, and RE Connon. Bifenthrin, a Ubiquitous Contaminant, Impairs the Development and Behavior of the Threatened Longfin Smelt during Early Life Stages. Environmental Science & Technology. Bifenthrin, a Ubiquitous Contaminant, Impairs the Development and Behavior of the Threatened Longfin Smelt during Early Life Stages
51 2023 Longfin Smelt Rahman Md.M, LS Lewis, NA Fangue, RE Connon, and TC Hung. Effects of Salinity on Fertilization, Hatching, and Larval Performance of Longfin Smelt Spirinchus thaleichthys. Aquaculture Research. Effects of Salinity on Fertilization, Hatching, and Larval Performance of Longfin Smelt Spirinchus thaleichthys
50 2022 Delta Smelt Lewis, LS, JL Huang, M Willmes, RA Fichman, TC hung, LT Ellison, TA Stevenson, SJ Teh, BG Hammock, AA Schultz, JL Grimsich, MH Huyskens, QZ Yin, LM Cavole, NW Botto, JA Hobbs. In review. Visual, spectral, and microchemical quantification of crystalline anomalies in otoliths of wild and cultured Delta Smelt. Scientific Reports. Visual, spectral, and microchemical quantification of crystalline anomalies in otoliths of wild and cultured Delta Smelt
49 2022 Wakasagi & Delta Smelt Davis, B. J., Adams, LS Lewis, J. Hobbs, N. Ikemiyagi, C. Johnston, L. Mitchell, A. Shakya, B. Schreier, B. Mahardja. 2022. Wakasagi in the San Francisco Bay Delta Watershed: Comparative trends in distribution and life-history traits with native Delta Smelt. San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science. Wakasagi in the San Francisco Bay Delta Watershed: Comparative trends in distribution and life-history traits with native Delta Smelt
48 2022 Longfin Smelt Mulvaney, W, M Rahman, LS Lewis, J Cheng, T Hung*. 2022. Captive Rearing of Longfin Smelt Spirinchus Thaleichthys: First Attempt of Weaning Cultured Juveniles to Dry Feed. Animals
Captive Rearing of Longfin Smelt Spirinchus Thaleichthys: First Attempt of Weaning Cultured Juveniles to Dry Feed. 
47 2022 Longfin Smelt Yanagisturu, Y., IY Daza, LS Lewis, JA Hobbs, T Hung, RE Connon, NA Fangue. 2022. Growth, osmoregulation, and ionoregulation of Longfin Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) yolk-sac larvae at different salinities. Conservation Physiology. Growth, osmoregulation, and ionoregulation of Longfin Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) yolk-sac larvae at different salinities
46 2022 Delta Smelt Campbell, MA, SEK Joslin, AM Goodbla, M Willmes, JA Hobbs, LS Lewis, and AJ Finger. 2022. Polygenic discrimination of migratory phenotypes in an estuarine forage fish. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. Polygenic discrimination of migratory phenotypes in an estuarine forage fish
45 2022 Tarek Saygin, S, N Polat, M Willmes, LS  Lewis, JA Hobbs, AA Atıcı, and M Elp. 2022. Strontium isotopes in otoliths reveal a diversity of natal origins for Tarek (Alburnus tarichi) in Lake Van, Turkey. Fisheries Research. Strontium isotopes in otoliths reveal a diversity of natal origins for Tarek (Alburnus tarichi) in Lake Van, Turkey
44 2022 White Sturgeon Selheim, K, M. Willmes, LS Lewis, J Sweeney, J. Merz, J. Hobbs. 2022. Diversity in habitat use by White Sturgeon revealed using fin ray geochemistry. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:859038.  Diversity in habitat use by White Sturgeon revealed using fin ray geochemistry
43 2022 Longfin Smelt Barros, A, J Hobbs, M Willmes, C Parker, M Bisson, N Fangue, A Rypel and LS Lewis. 2022. Spatial heterogeneity in prey availability, feeding success, and dietary selectivity for the Threatened Longfin Smelt. Estuaries and Coasts.  Spatial heterogeneity in prey availability, feeding success, and dietary selectivity for the Threatened Longfin Smelt
42 2021 Delta Smelt Xieu, W*, Lewis, LS*, F Zhao, RA Fichman, M Willmes, T Hung, L Ellison, T Stevenson, G Tigan, A Schultz, JA Hobbs. 2021. Experimental validation of otolith-based age and growth reconstructions across multiple life stages of a critically endangered estuarine fish. PeerJ. *equal first author  Experimental validation of otolith-based age and growth reconstructions across multiple life stages of a critically endangered estuarine fish
41 2021 Delta Smelt Hammock, B, R Hartman, R Dahlgren, C Johnston, T Kurobe, P Lehman, LS Lewis, E Van Nieuwenhuyse, W Ramírez-Duarte, A Schultz, S Teh. 2021. Patterns and predictors of condition indices in a critically endangered fish. Hydrobiologia. Patterns and predictors of condition indices in a critically endangered fish. Hydrobiologia
40 2021 Delta Smelt Lewis, LS, C Denney, M Willmes, W Xieu, R Fichman, F Zhao, B Hammock, A Schultz, NA Fangue, JA Hobbs. 2021. Otolith-based approaches indicate strong effects of environmental variation on growth of a critically endangered estuarine fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series 676:37-56. Otolith-based approaches indicate strong effects of environmental variation on growth of a critically endangered estuarine fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series
39 2021 Multiple Fichman, R, A Khen, M Willmes, A Scott, J. Kuntz, J Hobbs, LS Lewis. 2021. The clever strategies fishes use to survive in San Francisco’s dynamic estuary. Frontiers for Young Minds.  The clever strategies fishes use to survive in San Francisco’s dynamic estuary. Frontiers for Young Minds.
38 2021 Longfin Smelt Saglam, I, J Hobbs, R Baxter, LS Lewis, A Benjamin, A Finger. A. 2021. Genome-wide analysis reveals regional patterns of drift, structure, and gene flow in longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) in the northeastern Pacific. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Genome-wide analysis reveals regional patterns of drift, structure, and gene flow in longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) in the northeastern Pacific. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
37 2021 Longfin Smelt Yanagitsuru, YR, MA Main, LS Lewis, JA Hobss, T Hung, RE Connon, NA Fangue. 2021. Effects of temperature on hatching and growth performance of embryos and yolk-sac larvae of a threatened estuarine fish: Longfin Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys). Aquaculture. Effects of temperature on hatching and growth performance of embryos and yolk-sac larvae of a threatened estuarine fish: Longfin Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys). Aquaculture
36 2020 White Sturgeon Sweeny, J, M Willmes, K Sellheim, LS Lewis, JA Hobbs, NA Fangue, JE Merz. 2020. Ontogenetic patterns in the calcification and element incorporation in fin rays of age-0 White Sturgeon. Environmental Biology of Fishes.  Ontogenetic patterns in the calcification and element incorporation in fin rays of age-0 White Sturgeon. Environmental Biology of Fishes
35 2020 Chinook Salmon Willmes, M, E Jacinto, LS Lewis, R Fichman, Z Bess , G Singer, A Steel, P Moyle, A Rypel, N Fangue, J Glessner, J Hobbs, E Chapman. 2020. Geochemical tools identify the origins of Chinook salmon returning to a restored creek. Fisheries 46(1):22-32.  Geochemical tools identify the origins of Chinook salmon returning to a restored creek
34 2020 Longfin Smelt Lewis, LS, M Willmes, A Barros, P Crain, J Hobbs. 2020. Newly discovered spawning and recruitment of threatened Longfin Smelt in restored and under-explored tidal wetlands. Ecology 101(1):e02868. Newly discovered spawning and recruitment of threatened Longfin Smelt in restored and under-explored tidal wetlands
33 2020 Longfin Smelt Lewis, LS, M Willmes, A Barros, P Crain, J Hobbs. 2020. Silicon Valley’s Threatened Longfin Smelt: evidence of spawning and recruitment in a restored tidal wetland. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 101(1):e01628. Silicon Valley’s Threatened Longfin Smelt: evidence of spawning and recruitment in a restored tidal wetland. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
32 2019 Delta Smelt Hobbs JA, LS Lewis, M Willmes, C Denney, and E Bush. 2019. Complex life histories discovered in a critically endangered fish. Sci Rep 9, 16772.  Complex life histories discovered in a critically endangered fish
31 2019 Delta Smelt Willmes, M, LS Lewis, BE Davis, LL Hannah, F James, C Denny, R Baxter J., L Conrad, NA Fangue, T Hung, RA Armstrong, IS Williams, P Holden, JA Hobbs. 2019. Calibrating temperature reconstructions from fish otolith oxygen isotope analysis for California’s critically endangered Delta Smelt. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2019; 33: 1207– 1220.  Calibrating temperature reconstructions from fish otolith oxygen isotope analysis for California’s critically endangered Delta Smelt. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom
30 2018 NA Willmes M, Ransom KM, Lewis LS, Denney CT, Glessner JJG, Hobbs JA. 2018. IsoFishR: An application for reproducible data reduction and analysis of strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) obtained via laser-ablation MC-ICP-MS. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0204519. An application for reproducible data reduction and analysis of strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) obtained via laser-ablation MC-ICP-MS. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0204519
29 2018 Chinook Salmon Willmes, M., J. A. Hobbs, A. M. Sturrock, Z. Bess, LS Lewis, J. J. G. Glessner, R. C. Johnson, R. Kurth, and J. Kindopp. 2018. Fishery collapse, recovery, and the cryptic decline of wild salmon on a major California river. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Fishery collapse, recovery, and the cryptic decline of wild salmon on a major California river. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
28 2018 Delta Smelt Role of freshwater floodplain-tidal slough complex in the persistence of the endangered delta smelt. Mahardja, B.; Hobbs, J., A.; Ikemiyagi, N.; Benjamin, A.; and Finger, A., J. PLOS ONE, 14(1): e0208084. 1 2019. Role of freshwater floodplain-tidal slough complex in the persistence of the endangered delta smelt
27 2018 Delta Smelt Delta Smelt and Water Politics in California. Moyle, P., B.; Hobbs, J., A.; and Durand, J., R. Fisheries, 43(1): 42-51. 2018. Delta Smelt and Water Politics in California
26 2018 Delta Smelt Use of single nucleotide polymorphisms identifies backcrossing and species misidentifications among three San Francisco estuary osmerids. Benjamin, A.; Sağlam, İ., K.; Mahardja, B.; Hobbs, J.; Hung, T., C.; and Finger, A., J. Conservation Genetics, 19(3): 701-712. 2018. Use of single nucleotide polymorphisms identifies backcrossing and species misidentifications among three San Francisco estuary osmerids
25 2018 Multiple Community Patterns and Environmental Associations for Pelagic Fishes in a Highly Modified Estuary. Castillo, G., C.; Damon, L., J.; and Hobbs, J., A. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 2018. Community Patterns and Environmental Associations for Pelagic Fishes in a Highly Modified Estuary
24 2017 Multiple Regional productivity predicts individual growth and recruitment of rockfishes in a northern California upwelling system. Wheeler, S., G.; Anderson, T., W.; Bell, T., W.; Morgan, S., G.; and Hobbs, J., A. Limnology and Oceanography, 62(2): 754-767. 3 2017. Regional productivity predicts individual growth and recruitment of rockfishes in a northern California upwelling system
23 2017 White Sturgeon Validating Fin Ray Microchemistry as a Tool to Reconstruct the Migratory History of White Sturgeon. Sellheim, K.; Willmes, M.; Hobbs, J., A.; Glessner, J., J., G.; Jackson, Z., J.; and Merz, J., E. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 146(5): 844-857. 9 2017. Validating Fin Ray Microchemistry as a Tool to Reconstruct the Migratory History of White Sturgeon
22 2017 Delta Smelt and Longfin Smelt Is Extinction Inevitable for Delta Smelt and Longfin Smelt? An Opinion and Recommendations for Recovery. Hobbs, J., A.; Moyle, P., B.; Fangue, N.; and Connon, R., E. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, 15(2). 2017. Is Extinction Inevitable for Delta Smelt and Longfin Smelt? An Opinion and Recommendations for Recovery
21 2016 Multiple 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio analysis by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS in scales, spines, and fin rays as a non-lethal alternative to otoliths for reconstructing fish life history. Willmes, M.; Glessner, J., J.; Carleton, S., A.; Gerrity, P., C.; and Hobbs, J., A. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 53(9): cjfas-2016-0103. 6 2016. 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio analysis by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS in scales, spines, and fin rays as a non-lethal alternative to otoliths for reconstructing fish life history
20 2016 Steelhead Rainbow Trout Life History Diversity in Klamath River Steelhead. Hodge, B., W.; Wilzbach, M., A.; Duffy, W., G.; Quiñones, R., M.; and Hobbs, J., A. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 145(2): 227-238. 3 2016. Life History Diversity in Klamath River Steelhead
19 2016 Delta Smelt Delta Smelt: Life History and Decline of a Once-Abundant Species in the San Francisco Estuary. Moyle, P., B.; Brown, L., R.; Durand, J., R.; and Hobbs, J., A. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, 14(2). 2016. Delta Smelt: Life History and Decline of a Once-Abundant Species in the San Francisco Estuary
18 2015 Splittail Metapopulation structure of a semi-anadromous fish in a dynamic environment. Feyrer, F.; Hobbs, J.; Acuña, S.; Mahardja, B.; Grimaldo, L.; Baerwald, M.; Johnson, R., C.; and Teh, S. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 72(5): 709-721. 5 2015. Metapopulation structure of a semi-anadromous fish in a dynamic environment
17 2015 Delta Smelt Contaminant and food limitation stress in an endangered estuarine fish. Hammock, B., G.; Hobbs, J., A.; Slater, S., B.; Acuña, S.; and Teh, S., J. Science of The Total Environment, 532: 316-326. 11 2015. Contaminant and food limitation stress in an endangered estuarine fish
16 2015 Pecos Bluntnose Shiner Movement patterns and dispersal potential of Pecos bluntnose shiner ( Notropis simus pecosensis ) revealed using otolith microchemistry. Chase, N., M.; Caldwell, C., A.; Carleton, S., A.; Gould, W., R.; and Hobbs, J., A. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 72(10): 1575-1583. 10 2015. Movement patterns and dispersal potential of Pecos bluntnose shiner ( Notropis simus pecosensis ) revealed using otolith microchemistry
15 2013 Steelhead Rainbow Trout Resident rainbow trout produce anadromous offspring in a large interior watershed. Courter, I., I.; Child, D., B.; Hobbs, J., A.; Garrison, T., M.; Glessner, J., J.; and Duery, S. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 70(5): 701-710. 5 2013. Resident rainbow trout produce anadromous offspring in a large interior watershed
14 2013 Mississippi Silverside From ‘omics to otoliths: responses of an estuarine fish to endocrine disrupting compounds across biological scales. Brander, S., M.; Connon, R., E.; He, G.; Hobbs, J., A.; Smalling, K., L.; Teh, S., J.; White, J., W.; Werner, I.; Denison, M., S.; and Cherr, G., N. PloS one, 8(9): e74251. 1 2013. From ‘omics to otoliths: responses of an estuarine fish to endocrine disrupting compounds across biological scales
13 2012 Delta Smelt Tagging the next generation: validation of trans-generational chemical tagging for an endangered fish. Hobbs, J., A.; Castillo, G.; Tigan, G.; Lindberg, J.; Ikemiyagi, N.; and Ramos, G. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 95(4): 463-468. 5 2012. Tagging the next generation: validation of trans-generational chemical tagging for an endangered fish
12 2012 Delta Smelt Pre-screen loss and fish facility efficiency for delta smelt at the south delta’s State Water Project, California. Castillo, G.; Morinaka, J.; Lindberg, J.; Fujimura, R.; Baskerville-Bridges, B.; Hobbs, J.; Tigan, G.; and Ellison, L. San Fransico Estuary and Watershed Science, 10(4): 23. 2012. Pre-Screen Loss and Fish Facility Efficiency for Delta Smelt at the South Delta’s State Water Project, California
11 2010 Splittail Salinity Inhabited by Age-0 Splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) as Determined by Direct Field Observation and Retrospective Analyses with Otolith Chemistry. Feyrer, F.; Hobbs, J., A.; and Sommer, T. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, 2(8). 4 2010. Salinity Inhabited by Age-0 Splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) as Determined by Direct Field Observation and Retrospective Analyses with Otolith Chemistry
10 2010 Longfin Smelt Hobbs, JA, Lewis, LS, Ikemiyagi, N, Sommer, T and Baxter, R. 2010. The use of otolith strontium isotopes to identify critical nursery habitat for a threatened estuarine fish. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 89:557–569. The use of otolith strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) to identify nursery habitat for a threatened estuarine fish
9 2009 Longjaw Mudsucker McGourty, CR, Hobbs, JA, Bennett, WA, Green, PG, Hwang, H, Ikemiyagi, N, Lewis, LS and Cope, JM. 2009. Likely population-level effects of contaminants on a resident estuarine fish species: Comparing Gillichthys mirabilis population static measurements and vital rates in San Francisco and Tomales Bays. Estuaries and Coasts. 32(6): 1111-1120. Likely population-level effects of contaminants on a resident estuarine fish species: Comparing Gillichthys mirabilis population static measurements and vital rates in San Francisco and Tomales Bays. Estuaries and Coasts
8 2009 Green Sturgeon Using Trace Elements in Pectoral Fin Rays to Assess Life History Movements in Sturgeon: Estimating Age at Initial Seawater Entry in Klamath River Green Sturgeon. Allen, P., J.; Hobbs, J., A.; Cech, J., J.; Van Eenennaam, J., P.; and Doroshov, S., I. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 138(2): 240-250. 3 2009. Using Trace Elements in Pectoral Fin Rays to Assess Life History Movements in Sturgeon: Estimating Age at Initial Seawater Entry in Klamath River Green Sturgeon
7 2007 Splittail Otolith Microchemistry Provides Information Complementary to Microsatellite DNA for a Migratory Fish. Feyrer, F.; Hobbs, J.; Baerwald, M.; Sommer, T.; Yin, Q.; Clark, K.; May, B.; and Bennett, W. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 136(2): 469-476. 3 2007. Otolith Microchemistry Provides Information Complementary to Microsatellite DNA for a Migratory Fish
6 2007 Delta Smelt Classification of Larval and Adult Delta Smelt to Nursery Areas by Use of Trace Elemental Fingerprinting. Hobbs, J., A.; Bennett, W., A.; Burton, J.; and Gras, M. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 136(2): 518-527. 3 2007. Classification of Larval and Adult Delta Smelt to Nursery Areas by Use of Trace Elemental Fingerprinting
5 2007 Splittail Living in a Dynamic Environment: Variability in Life History Traits of Age-0 Splittail in Tributaries of San Francisco Bay. Feyrer, F.; Sommer, T.; and Hobbs, J. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 136(5): 1393-1405. 9 2007. Living in a Dynamic Environment: Variability in Life History Traits of Age-0 Splittail in Tributaries of San Francisco Bay
4 2007 Delta Smelt Modification of the biological intercept model to account for ontogenetic effects in laboratory-reared delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus). Hobbs, J., A.; Bennett, W., A.; Burton, J., E.; and Baskerville-Bridges, B. Fishery Bulletin, 105(1): 30-38. 2007. Modification of the biological intercept model to account for ontogenetic effects in laboratory-reared delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus)*
3 2006 Delta Smelt and Longfin Smelt Assessing nursery habitat quality for native smelts (Osmeridae) in the low-salinity zone of the San Francisco estuary. Hobbs, J., A.; Bennett, W., A.; and Burton, J., E. Journal of Fish Biology, 69(3): 907-922. 9 2006. Assessing nursery habitat quality for native smelts (Osmeridae ) in the low-salinity zone of the San Francisco estuary
2 2005 Delta Smelt Retrospective determination of natal habitats for an estuarine fish with otolith strontium isotope ratios. Hobbs, J., A.; Yin, Q.; Burton, J.; and Bennett, W., A. Marine and Freshwater Research, 56(5): 655. 2005. Retrospective determination of natal habitats for an estuarine fish with otolith strontium isotope ratios
1 2005 Topsmelt Validation of otolith growth rate analysis using cadmium-exposed larval Topsmelt (Atherinops affinis). Rose, W., L.; Hobbs, J., A.; Nisbet, R., M.; Green, P., G.; Cherr, G., N.; and Anderson, S., L. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24(10): 2612. 2005. Validation of otolith growth rate analysis using cadmium-exposed larval topsmelt (Atherinops affinis)
Technical Reports
No. Year Species Citation Link
20 2023 Delta Smelt LS Lewis, C Denney, L Cavole, W Xieu, F Zhao, J Huang, J Hobbs, M Willmes, TC Hung, A Schultz, SJ Teh, and BG Hammock. Chapter 5: Effects of Four Preservatives on the Morphology, Histology, and Otolith Chemistry of a Critically Endangered Estuarine Fish . In Bertrand, N.G., K.K. Arend, and B. Mahardja., editors.  Directed Outflow Project: Technical Report 4.  U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office, California-Great Basin Region, Sacramento, CA.  2023, 253 pp.  Chapter 5: Effects of Four Preservatives on the Morphology, Histology, and Otolith Chemistry of a Critically Endangered Estuarine Fish
19 2023 Delta Smelt LM Cavole, BG Hammock, T Kurobe, SJ Teh, M Willmes, C Denney, JA Hobbs, B Mahardja, A Schultz, LS Lewis. Chapter 4: Fitness tradeoffs for migratory and resident Delta Smelt . In Bertrand, N.G., K.K. Arend, and B. Mahardja., editors.  Directed Outflow Project: Technical Report 4.  U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office, California-Great Basin Region, Sacramento, CA.  2023, 253 pp.  Chapter 4: Fitness tradeoffs for migratory and resident Delta Smelt
18 2023 Delta Smelt LS Lewis, RA Fichman, C Denney, W Xieu, JA Hobbs, R Lusardi, M Willmes, TC Hung, L Ellison, T Stevenson, AA. Schultz, S Teh, BG Hammock. Chapter 3: Experimental Contrasts among Schlerochronologic (Otolith), Morphologic, Histologic, and Molecular Indicators of Health for a Critically Endangered Estuarine Fish . In Bertrand, N.G., K.K. Arend, and B. Mahardja., editors.  Directed Outflow Project: Technical Report 4.  U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office, California-Great Basin Region, Sacramento, CA.  2023, 253 pp.  Chapter 3: Experimental Contrasts among Schlerochronologic (Otolith), Morphologic, Histologic, and Molecular Indicators of Health for a Critically Endangered Estuarine Fish
17 2023 Delta Smelt Dhayalan TS, FD Tran, TC Hung, TJ Senegal, V Mora, LS Lewis, SJ Teh, and BG Hammock. Chapter 2: Liver Glycogen as a Sensitive Indicator of Food Limitation in Delta Smelt. In Bertrand, N.G., K.K. Arend, and B. Mahardja., editors.  Directed Outflow Project: Technical Report 4.  U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office, California-Great Basin Region, Sacramento, CA.  2023, 253 pp.  Liver Glycogen as a Sensitive Indicator of Food Limitation in Delta Smelt
16 2022 Delta Smelt Lewis L.S., C. Denney, M. Willmes, L. Cavole, W. Xieu, R. E. Bush, N. Fangue, J. Glessner, B. Hammock, S. Teh, A. A. Schultz, and J. A. Hobbs. 2022. Climate variability alters the migratory life history of California’s critically endangered Delta Smelt. In Bertrand, N.G., K.K. Arend, and B. Mahardja., editors.  Directed Outflow Project: Technical Report 3.  U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office, California-Great Basin Region, Sacramento, CA.  2022, 268 pp.  Climate variability alters the migratory life history of California’s critically endangered Delta Smelt
15 2022 Delta Smelt Lewis L.S., M. Willmes, L. Cavole, W. Xieu, R. A. Fichman, T.C. Hung, L. Ellison, T. Stevenson, A. A. Schultz, B. G. Hammock, S.J. Teh, A. A. Schultz, and J. A. Hobbs. 2022. Experimental Assessment of Otolith-based Geochemical Reconstructions of Migratory Life History for an Imperiled Estuarine Fish. In Bertrand, N.G., K.K. Arend, and B. Mahardja., editors.  Directed Outflow Project: Technical Report 3.  U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office, California-Great Basin Region, Sacramento, CA.  2022, 268 pp.   Experimental Assessment of Otolith-based Geochemical Reconstructions of Migratory Life History for an Imperiled Estuarine Fish
14 2022 Delta Smelt Lewis L.S., L. Cavole, M. Willmes, C. Denney, W. Xieu, F. Zhao, R. A. Fichman, B. G. Hammock, S. Teh, A. A. Schultz, and J. A. Hobbs. 2022. Phenological changes in Delta Smelt in relation to variation in climate. In Bertrand, N.G., K.K. Arend, and B. Mahardja., editors.  Directed Outflow Project: Technical Report 3.  U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office, California-Great Basin Region, Sacramento, CA.  2022, 268 pp.  Phenological changes in Delta Smelt in relation to variation in climate
13 2022 Delta Smelt Huang, Jonathan L., M. Willmes, R. A. Fichman, T.C. Hung, L. Ellison, T. Stevenson, S.J. Teh, A. A. Schultz, J. Grimsich, C. Chalker, B. G. Hammock, A. A. Schultz, J. A. Hobbs and Lewis L.S. 2022. Quantifying morphological and crystalline anomalies in otoliths of wild and cultured Delta Smelt. In Bertrand, N.G., K.K. Arend, and B. Mahardja., editors.  Directed Outflow Project: Technical Report 3.  U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office, California-Great Basin Region, Sacramento, CA.  2022, 268 pp.   Quantifying morphological and crystalline anomalies in otoliths of wild and cultured Delta Smelt
12 2022 Delta Smelt Campbell, Matthew A., Shannon E.K. Joslin, Alisha M. Goodbla, Malte Willmes, James A. Hobbs, LS Lewis, and Amanda J. Finger. 2022. Polygenic Discrimination of Migratory Phenotypes in an Estuarine Forage Fish. In Bertrand, N.G., K.K. Arend, and B. Mahardja., editors.  Directed Outflow Project: Technical Report 3.  U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office, California-Great Basin Region, Sacramento, CA.  2022, 268 pp.  Polygenic Discrimination of Migratory Phenotypes in an Estuarine Forage Fish
11 2022 Delta Smelt Hobbs, JA, LS Lewis, M Willmes, C Denney, R Fichman, and W Xieu. Chapter 9. Delta Smelt Life History Diversity. In FLOAT-MAST (Flow Alteration – Management Analysis and Synthesis Team), 2022. White papers providing a synthesis of knowledge relating to Delta Smelt biology in the San Francisco Estuary, emphasizing effects of flow. Interagency Ecological Program, Sacramento, CA. IEP Technical Report #98. 191 pp. Delta Smelt Life History Diversity
10 2022 Multiple Lewis, LS, J Ervin, N Floros, P Crain, and James Hobbs. 2022. Status and Trends of fishes and macroinvertebrates in tidal ponds, sloughs, and open-water habitats of the Alviso Marsh Complex, San Francisco Bay, California, 2010-2021. Final report (part 1) submitted to the San Jose-Santa Clara Wastewater Facility to satisfy Grant No. 1348123/T-32026, 47 pp.  – 
9 2022 Mysid Shrimp Hobbs, JA, M Bisson, J. Ervin, and LS Lewis. 2022. Drivers of the distribution and abundance of mysid shrimp in Alviso Marsh. Final report (part 2) submitted to the San Jose-Santa Clara Wastewater Facility to satisfy Grant No. 1348123/T-32026, 23 pp.   – 
8 2020 Multiple Lewis, LS, J Ervin, and James Hobbs. 2020. Status and Trends Report: UC Davis – Lower South San Francisco Bay Study 2020. Final report submitted to the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission to satisfy Grant No. 20-73G (A20-3346-001), 50 pp.   – 
7 2019 Longfin Smelt Lewis, LS, Malte Willmes, Christian Denney, Christina Parker, Micah Bisson, Arthur Barros, James Hobbs. 2019. Interdisciplinary Studies on Longfin Smelt in the San Francisco Bay Estuary. Report to the California Department of Water Resources, Contract No. 4600011196, 130 pp. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12944.33280 Interdisciplinary Studies on Longfin Smelt in the San Francisco Bay Estuary
6 2019 Delta Smelt Hobbs, JA, C Denney, LS Lewis, M Willmes, W Xieu, A Schultz, O Burgess. 2019. Chapter 4 – Exploring life history diversity of Delta Smelt during a period of extreme environmental variability.  In A.A. Schultz, editor.  Directed Outflow Project Technical Report 1.  U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office, Mid-Pacific Region, Sacramento, CA.  Technical Report – Final Draft.  August 2019, 402 pp.  – 
5 2019 Delta Smelt Hobbs, JA, C Denney, LS Lewis, M Willmes, W Xieu, A Schultz, O Burgess. 2019. Chapter 5 – Environmental and ontogenetic drivers of growth in a critically-endangered species.  In A.A. Schultz, editor.  Directed Outflow Project Technical Report 1.  U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office, Mid-Pacific Region, Sacramento, CA.  Technical Report – Final Draft.  August 2019, 402 pp.  – 
4 2018 Longfin Smelt Lewis, LS, M Willmes, C Denney, C Parker, M Bisson, A Barros, J Hobbs. 2018. Interdisciplinary Studies on Longfin Smelt in the San Francisco Bay Estuary. Report to the California Department of Water Resources, Contract No. 4600011196, 44 pp.  – 
3 2017 Multiple Lewis, LS and JA Hobbs. 2017. Chapter 3 – Environmental drivers of fish abundance in the Alviso Marsh Complex 2010-2016. 2018. Pages 3-1through 3-44 in MacVean, L.J., L.S. Lewis, P. Trowbridge, J.A. Hobbs, D.B. Senn. 2018. Dissolved Oxygen in South San Francisco Bay: Variability, Important Processes, and Implications for Understanding Fish Habitat. Technical Report. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond, CA, Subcontract No: 1276., 108 pp. Environmental drivers of fish abundance in the Alviso Marsh Complex 2010-2016
2 2017 Multiple Lewis, LS, JA Hobbs, Jon Cook and Pat Crain. 2017. Community Structure of Fishes and Invertebrates in the Alviso Marsh Complex 2014-2016. Report to the San Jose-Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility. 35 pp.  – 
1 2017 Longfin Smelt Lewis, LS, JA Hobbs, M Willmes, and J Chhor. 2017. Growth of Longfin Smelt: putting extreme drought into a long-term context. Report to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Contract No. D1583004. 31 pp.  –