Rachel Fichman
Rachel has worked for various government agencies monitoring state and federally-listed endangered and threatened species including Giant Garter Snakes, Delta Smelt, Longfin Smelt, Chinook Salmon, and Salt Marsh Harvest Mice. In their current position as a Staff Research Associate, they lead field surveys, manage databases, train and coordinate undergraduate interns, process Chinook Salmon and Delta Smelt otoliths, and assist in manuscript writing and editing.
In the Fall of 2020, Rachel began graduate school as an MS student in the Graduate Group in Ecology at UC Davis. Through collaboration between the OG Fish Lab and their advisor, Robert Lusardi, they are studying how different environmental conditions affect somatic and otolith (ear stone) growth in Delta Smelt, a critically endangered fish endemic to the San Francisco Estuary. After graduation, they look forward to continuing their career as a wildlife and fisheries researcher, focusing on projects that directly impact conservation policy throughout the state.